A Reunion 10 years in the Making…

For 3 Sisters was a meager 2-year-old when we met Paula, a 1-year breast cancer survivor, at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Ocean City, MD. She and our Pink Fireman took a picture together to mark the moment. ​”I saw him across the parking lot and I knew I just had to get…

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Wrapped in Love…

Shweeew! It’s been a hot minute since I last blogged! It’s certainly not because I don’t love you guys. Things are hopping busy around For 3 Sisters, and the next thing I know, half a year has gone by! I’ll work on that. I promise! I pinky promise! I wanted to take this beautiful summer…

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When a gift is more than a present…

Gifts are a funny thing, ya know. Many people see gifts as something given to them, wrapped up in pretty paper and topped with a bow. Sometimes, people see a gift as having received money or charity or something they need but couldn’t otherwise afford. Ask me? I’d say those are more like…. well, presents. ​I’d…

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The Ring She’s Wearing Says it All….

Don’t let the twinkle in her eye or that beautiful smile fool you. Behind that smile lay a twistedly funny sense of humor and a ferocious, no-nonsense determination to beat her sworn enemy into oblivion. She was wickedly fierce, a whole lot of stubborn, a bit ornery, and undeniably determined that Metastatic Breast Cancer would not define…

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When a Garden Becomes a Sanctuary…

When is a garden not a garden? When it’s a sanctuary. This weekend friends and family gathered at the home of their friend, Susan, to help turn an overgrown, lackluster flower bed and front porch into a beautiful respite garden full of love.  Susan, a young single mom, was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer just before Thanksgiving…

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“I Have Had Enough…”

Have you ever taken a moment and asked yourself, “What’s my story?” Everyone has a story, and each one is unique—even your story! ​Here at For 3 Sisters, I’ve been privileged to hear the stories of many women who have been affected by breast cancer, though breast cancer is where the similarities end. Each story is different….

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