When is a garden not a garden? When it’s a sanctuary. This weekend friends and family gathered at the home of their friend, Susan, to help turn an overgrown, lackluster flower bed and front porch into a beautiful respite garden full of love.
Susan, a young single mom, was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer just before Thanksgiving last year. Her friend Terri reached out to For 3 Sisters and told us of their upcoming garden day – a day spent to honor Susan and create a sanctuary where she could sit and enjoy the beauty, the flowers, the butterflies, and the birds. A place that would bring smiles to her face, peace, comfort, and healing.

As the final planning came together, the garden crew learned they’d only raised 50% of what they needed to complete their project of love. And with that, For 3 Sisters was honored and proud to sponsor the remaining funds needed for Susan’s sanctuary!

I asked Marshall, our founder and Pink Fireman, how he felt about being a part of Susan’s garden project.
​I think it’s great! This garden is a perfect example of how a person who has a friend or loved one affected by breast cancer can improve the quality of life for their loved one while they’re in treatment. It doesn’t always have to be about jumping out of airplanes or going to see the Grand Canyon. Sometimes, the greatest gift you can give someone is right in their own front yard.

Susan’s garden crew cleared out the old stuff, pressure-washed porch furniture and fixtures, spruced up the paint, trimmed bushes on the property, planted new flowers, and put down fresh mulch! And though we had to leave before the final reveal, we captured some “work in progress photos”!

Susan is a beautiful, funny, spirited young woman who is clearly loved by many. It was a wonderful gift to witness the outpouring of love and unconditional support by Susan and Gabby’s friends. The laughter and smiles that filled her yard this weekend are sure to help all the beautiful plants and flowers flourish. Of this, I’m sure! #susanstrong
