I have so much to be thankful for here at For 3 Sisters, and at the top of my list is YOU! I am thankful for you. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with friends or family or with your furry besties. I hope you had a moment, or many, to reflect on all of the people, opportunities, and things that you’re grateful for, too!

Speaking of furry besties, I spent Thanksgiving with Hope (our therapy dog in training). She’s thankful for tennis balls! She’s obsessed. I swear she was born with a tennis ball in her mouth. LOL!
​I digress.
While I’m thankful every single day, Thanksgiving activities started a week early at For 3 Sisters. We kicked it off with the annual Montgomery County Thanksgiving Parade in Silver Spring, MD!

Our Pink Fireman, Lt. McNeal from the Montgomery County Police Department (also a breast cancer survivor), and breast cancer survivors & thrivers, LaWanda, Kellee, and Roz bundled up warm and joined us in the For 3 Sisters truck as we paraded around along the route!

Kellee and I had a little something extra up our sleeve that morning, too. We had Bundles of LOVE for LaWanda! Bundles of LOVE is a new program (one we’ve piloted the last few years) where we gift a breast cancer fighter, thriver, or their child with a basket/box of goodies!

We had plans to “Bundle” another thriver, Tali, but she was unable to join us at the last minute. But don’t you know, we found a way! Isn’t she lovely?

As Thanksgiving day approached, two women in our Road to Resources program eagerly awaited their Thanksgiving dinner deliveries. We had two extraordinary volunteer families who donated Thanksgiving dinner to “Ms. S” and “Ms. M”, and each did so in their own remarkable way.

This is Iris, owner of Iris & Rainbow Boutique in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Iris adopted “Ms. S'” family for Thanksgiving. “Ms. S” wanted to cook her Thanksgiving meal, so Iris graciously purchased all the Thanksgiving dinner ingredients and delivered them to her home. She even purchased a week’s worth of groceries so “Ms. S” wouldn’t have to worry.

Our other volunteers, Jennifer and Sophie, a mother-daughter volunteer duo extraordinaire, prepared all the fixings for “Ms. M’s” family and delivered them to her door! Jennifer and Sophie were humble about taking a picture with their fixings, so I had to improvise!

So as you can see, It’s more than just turkey. For 3 Sisters has much to be thankful for! Whether you’re donating your time, money, love and friendship, or support, YOU are truly making a difference in the life of another human being. Cancer is not an easy journey, and knowing that you support For 3 Sisters and the families we serve makes me incredibly grateful and thankful for you. Thank you!