Imagine for a moment that you’re a truck driver who, in the very early morning hours, pulls into a seemingly vacant lot to take a rest. A moment later, a man wearing nothing but a pink tutu approaches your truck. What do you do? Well, this is a real story! The truck driver wasted no time and drove away — quickly! The man in the tutu? Take a look for yourself:

The man in the picture is Bob Carey. He is a professional photographer, a loving and doting husband, an all out groovy dude, and the co-founder of The Tutu Project.
The Tutu Project started in 2003 after Bob learned that his beautiful wife, Linda, was diagnosed with breast cancer. What started as a simple way to bring laughter into a world of darkness and to cope with his own feelings and angst, Bob started an adventure with his imagination – an imagination without limits – and a map in his mind that took him to California with the cows…

…And Brooklyn, NY, in the snow….

…and even to the Ballet!

These are just a few of the many beautiful, funny, uplifting photographs that Bob has created to bring joy to families affected by cancer. And it’s not the only thing that Bob and Linda and The Tutu Project are doing to support families affected by breast cancer.

The Tutu Project provides financial support and resource case management support to families affected by breast cancer by partnering with charities across the United States and awarding grants to these nonprofits to help fulfill the needs of men and women fighting this awful disease. Nonprofits like For 3 Sisters!

We are thrilled to announce that For 3 Sisters has been awarded a $30,000 grant from The Tutu Project, continuing our partnership since 2015. Together For 3 Sisters and The Tutu Project have kept single mothers from being evicted from their homes, put food in refrigerators, kept the lights and the heat on, helped with car payments and insurance payments, helped women to choose treatment vs. quitting treatment so they could go back to work and pay their bills, and so much more.

And while we can never do what Bob does the way Bob does it (as you can see above), together, we can and do truly make an impact on the lives of people affected by breast cancer. Our partnership is another year of renewed hope for men and women who hear the words “You have breast cancer.” Our partnership ensures that no one will fight breast cancer alone.